Caravan servicing is a company based in S18 we set up the business in 2020 to service Caravans & Motorhomes to people living in and around the Dronfield area. We offer a mobile Caravan & Motorhome habitation check.
The owner Ian is a full apprentice served City & Guilds Diesel mechanic who has recently sat the MCEA training course.
We offer a mobile service and repair of Caravans and Motorhomes within a reasonable driving distance of Dronfield.
Call 07955 134 311
From £180
• Safety - to protect your family and loved ones
• Identify problems early - catching a problem early will prevent a quick fix turning into a costly repair
• Warranty - to avoid invalidating your warranty
• Maintaining value - a history of habitation checks and maintenance will enhance the value and saleability of your motorhome or caravan
Price from
Regular servicing of your caravan should pay off in the long run with greater reliability and improved resale value. But there are safety and legal issues too. Every vehicle or trailer is required by law to be in a condition where is does not cause danger to anyone.
Some items you can and should check for yourself, such as tyres and lights, but the braking system and the electrical and gas items inside the habitation area are best left to us if you are not to risk your safety or that of others.
You have spent many thousands of pounds on your home-from-home.
Do not squander this investment by skimping on regular servicing and maintenance.
It will repay you in the long term.
Price from
Mobile - we go to where the caravan is
Electrical systems 230V This includes checking Condition of inlet plug & hook up cable Operation of RCD, MCB’s & earth bonding Wiring, sockets & fixed connection Battery charger Mains fridge Mains cooker & hob Mains water heater Mains space heater
Electrical Systems 12v This includes checking Condition of 12N, 12S & 13 pin plugs & cables Condition & operation of road light & reflectors Wiring/sockets & fuses Functions of 12S / 13 pinsystem (charging, fridge, lights etc) Battery charger Condition of battery (clean & lubricate terminals) All 12V lights including awning light Blown air system